I have a story to tell but I do not know what it is. Sitting in the silence brings up all kinds of anger. Anger at people who failed to call. People who do not ask how I am. People who pretend I should be over this. People who think losing a parent is no big deal. I do not wish to engage. I do not wish to approach them and tell them how deeply hurt I am. Without means of understanding. I sit, confused. Unbelieving that my father is gone. How is it truly possible that my hero disappeared into thin air without even a simple good bye? I wonder what is my part in this story. This hurts like nothing I've ever felt. I wonder where do I go. Where do I stand? All these question run, run, and run through my brain. I wonder dad what you would say. Sometimes I hear you... in my ear faintly whispering the answer. What would you say about how I am coping? What would you say to each of us? Would you be proud of me? Would you give me a big hug? How I wish I could have only said goodbye.
I have a story to tell
But I do not know what it is.
It has yet to unfold.
I sit in the silence as if the answer will expose itself.
All there is anger.
Why did you not call?
Why am I invisible?
How can I live without my father?
It all filters slowly through my heart.
No sense can be made.
A fire begins to build
I shield it.
For I do not know what kind of storm it will bring.
I fear it's strength.
The distructive nature that I've felt.
Without my calm father.
The emotions spill out like lava.
And I turn, and turn, and turn
staring at a blank canvas.
One day my story will be told.
It will help others understand their's.
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