Friday, April 29, 2011

The Blackness

The blackness overwhelms
Even the smallest butterfly.
Nothing else in the world can be
Or Heard.
Colors disappear.
Importance changes.
Life is not the same.
Nothing will ever be the same
Without his voice, his laughter, and guidance.
Broken hearted
Filled with a blackness that has no words.
No comfort.
Now way to soothe.
Only time can mend this wound
that has shattered my world.

That Day

The world stopped
The day you died.
My heart got lost in my love.
I am alone. 
The phone doesn't ring.
I keep looking for it to read "Dad".
I want to hear your voice just one last time.
But instead I'm filled with silence and emptiness. 
A hollow feeling of despair.
Who am I if I'm not my father's daughter?
How do I continue without your fatherly advice?
Without your love?
Nothing feels the same.
Blackness fills the air over
Every birth
Every marriage
Every celebration.
I grab hold of the memories.
Of the laughter and of hope. 
Dad without you I am not whole
I feel deeply wounded, weak
And everything goes black, numb 
Without you by my side.
Help me poppy.